Blog's Very First Award!

As usual, I'm *overly* thrilled when I'm doing things for the very first time and this is not an exception! I received this award yesterday from my fellow book blogger, Aye-Me? from Reversing the Monotony. As a new kid on the block, I am totally honoured  and I would like to thank those who had stopped by my humble blog, supported me and making me feel very welcome in this community.

I would like to pass this award to the following beautiful and informative blogs that I came across recently:
(1) The Book on the Hill by Charlotte
(2) J'adorehappyending by Nina
(3) Book Journal by Shweta


  1. hi shy!wah, i'm so happy for you..keep it up deserve it girl =p

  2. Thank u so much for this.. You have a really cool blog ..

  3. @Darlyn & Shweta: Thank you so much! I like both of your blogs too =)

  4. Thank you so much for thinking of me! So sweet.

  5. Congratulations! I love Nina's site too!

  6. Thank you so much for the award ! And congratulations on this first award ! There will be more to come I'm sure !
